Jernbaneverket Norsk jernbanemuseum (testbase)


Privacy Policy

Axiell Norge AS collects and processes personal data on behalf of libraries using the Mikromarc library system. The personal data is stored in order for libraries to manage loans and provide other services to their users. The data collected is mainly address information, overview of borrowed and reserved material, as well as information about any debt to the library. Our online services use cookies to remember login information and for general enhancement of the user experience.

You may require access to your personal information, and you may also require the information to be corrected or deleted. If you wish any of this, contact your library which is responsible for the information.

Controller and Processor

The individual library is the controller responsible for the personal information about its patrons. Axiell Norge AS is responsible for the processing of personal data in Mikromarc (processor).

Purpose of storing personal information

The personal data is stored to make it possible for libraries to manage loans of books and other material, as well as providing other services.

Personal information collected

Mikromarc may store the following personal information about library patrons:
  • Name
  • Address
  • Temporary address
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Phone
  • Email addresses
  • Options related to messages received by email, SMS or as a letter
  • Borrower group (children, adult, etc.)
  • Preferred Language
  • Barcode
  • PIN / password
  • The preferred library unit
  • Information about whether the loan card is attached to the National Borrower Register
  • Birth number (if the loan card is affiliated with the National Borrower Register, or the borrower accepts it)
  • Class (if the borrower is a student)
  • Children's information (if the library and the borrower wish it)
  • Parent Information (if the library and the borrower wish it)
  • Information on possible blockages for loans, as well as reason and date for the defaulting
  • Expiry date of National Borrower Card
  • Photo of the borrower (only in some libraries)
  • Notice to the borrower
  • Internal message about the borrower (areas of interest and similar)
  • Information about any access to the library outside of normal working hours
  • Active Loans
  • Historical loans up to 14 days after return, longer by individual agreement with the borrower
  • Lending notifications (shipped purse, replacement letter, reservation letter)
  • Active Reservations
  • Active ILL loans
  • Ongoing orders for new magazine journals
  • Internet site usage (Site logs are deleted weekly)
  • Cookies


Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer when you download a webpage. Mikromarc uses cookies in the following services:
  • Micromarc WebSearch
  • Mikromarc Mobile Web
  • Micromarc+ for staff
Cookies are used to improve the user experience, including remembering login information. Axiell Norge AS does not use cookies to generate statistics, and we cannot track your use of Mikromarc as an individual.

There are two types of cookies: one type stores a file on the user's computer. This file is normally used to remember the user's preferences and settings between sessions. The other type is a temporary file that's only saved during active use, and will be deleted as soon as the browser window closes. No personal information about the user is saved. Both types of cookies are used to save the user's language options, and to protect against data attacks.

Cookies are not lawful unless the user is informed of the purpose of the storage and the manner in which the information is used, and has accepted this. By continuing to use Mikromarc, you agree that cookies are stored on your computer. Most browser programs agree to save cookies by default.

If you do not agree to the use of cookies, cookies may be disabled in the browser settings. However, ignoring cookies may cause parts of Mikromarc not to work properly.

Lawfulness of processing

The main basis for processing personal data is contained in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Article 6 1 (a) "the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes." You should have given your consent when you were registered as a borrower.

In some cases, the storage is also based on GDPR Article 6 1 (c) "processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject." Libraries are required to collect statistics about the use of the library. These statistics can not be identified at a personal level, and are handed over to the National Library.

Exchange of personal data

In Norway, address information and some other personal data are exchanged with the National Borrower Register, a database that makes it possible to use the same borrower card in many different Norwegian libraries. Only information about borrowers who have given explicit consent to be registered in the National Borrower Register is exchanged. No data is exchanged about loans, reservations, debts, blockages and other details about the relationship between the borrower and the individual library.

The National Library and library system suppliers in Norway are responsible for the National Borrower Register, and data processing agreements exists between the parties.

View and delete personal data

You may require access to your personal data, and you may also require the data to be corrected or deleted within a month. Please note that storage of some data is necessary in order for you to be a borrower at the library. The menu item Member gives access to almost all data the library system stores about you. Contact your library if you want enhanced access to personal data, or wish to correct or delete personal data.

Contact person / Data Protection Officer at Axiell

Axiell Norge AS, Axiell Sverige AB and Axiell Finland Oy are vendors to libraries in Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Questions regarding privacy in the Mikromarc library system can be addressed to Data Protection Officer Ann Maelerts (Email: